About me

Hi! I’m Jennifer – a practising witch and award-winning author based in Lancashire, UK.

I write about the Pagan Wheel of the Year, witchcraft for mental health and falling in love with the natural world. As much as I can, I try to live in tune with the seasons, tinkering with the plants in my garden and rising with the sun. I live with my husband and very mean calico cat, Linnet, in the hills bordering the moors.

Thank you so much for subscribing to The Green Witch – it’s wonderful to have you here. This is a space for the witches, the writers and anyone who has ever wanted to lie down on a bed of moss in the wildwood.

We are the cravers of a quieter, greener world. Let’s find it here together 💚

Free subscribers, you’ll receive your Wheel of the Year newsletter, which drops into your inbox eight times a year. It is full of ways to celebrate the sabbats, seasonal living tips, folklore, legends, witchy events, and news about my books. You’ll also receive occasional free in-depth blogs about the Pagan festivals and my work as a writer.

As part of my paid membership, you’ll receive:

  • weekly specialist blog posts on witchcraft practices, spells and rituals, seasonal living, connecting with our ancient earth and how to survive the modern-day world using the power of magick

  • exclusive author content, including sample book chapters, the real stories behind my work and writing process

  • my quarterly “Ask a Witch Anything” Q&A where I'll be answering all your witchcraft and writing questions!

  • author, witch and wellbeing interviews with your favourite creators

  • your Wheel of the Year newsletter, sent out a few days before each Pagan festival.

And so much more!

To get in touch with me, you can email me at thegreenwitchwriter@gmail.com or follow me on Instagram.

You can buy my books – The Wheel: A Witch’s Path Back to the Ancient Self, The Witch’s Survival Guide: Spells for Healing from Stress and Burnout, The Black Air and The Second-Hand Boy from my Linktree or from Waterstones, Amazon or your local indie bookshop. I hope you love them!

Please tell your witchy friends about what you’ve read here and let’s make a beautiful community of witchy folk who are head over heels for the natural world.

I’ll see you soon! đŸŒżđŸ€

Subscribe to The Green Witch

Witchcraft, healing plants, seasonal living and working with the cycles of nature 🌿


Jennifer Lane is a green witch and writer. She is the author of four books, including The Wheel and The Witch's Survival Guide. The Green Witch is for witches, writers and anyone who has ever wanted to lie down on a bed of moss in the wildwood.