Thank you Jennifer. I feel I've downloaded precisely 3,962 workbooks to digest the year gone by and plan the next, so am feeling totally overwhelmed and of course not doing a jot of any! Your simple questions may serve me much better with a candle and a cuppa today. 🤗🖤

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I’m so glad this has been helpful, Luisa! Our shadow work doesn’t have to be complicated. Likely hard, yes. But convoluted? Who needs that!? I hope you’ve had a beautiful start to the new year 💜 Bright blessings to you and yours.

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Thank you, Jennifer, beautiful post. May 2025 be the year of the Green Witch and all witches around the world. Xxx

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I’m so glad you enjoyed the post, Anna. Yes to this energy! 2025: the witches are gathered and filled with power. Bright blessings to you and yours xxx

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I like this time of year; complete relaxation, hibernation and quietude. The dark allows me to justify my hiding which I embrace all too readily so I am nervous about the brightening nights and the notion I shall have to start doing more, going more places and being seen more. However, I’m going to get outside in nature as much as I can, every day I’m going to get fresh air between now and when I go back to work 6th January. Your journal prompts will be a good start I think xxxxxxxx

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Thank you so much, Amy! And absolutely to your comment - this is the time to be h u n k e r i n g. I'm so glad to hear you've been hibernating and starting the New Year as it should be done: slowly. I hope the journal prompts were useful and bright blessings to you on this frosty winter's morning. Tea, a hot water bottle and plenty of soup for us all! xxxxx

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Beautiful prompts thankyou 🙏❤️

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I’m so glad you enjoyed them! Happy New Year to you <3

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Big fan of Betwixtmas, but love The Divine Void! I found out yesterday that the Swedes call this time mellandagarna. Love and light to you folks, Jenn. ✨🎄🙏🏼

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The English language does it again! Betwixtmas is something special. Do you know what mellandagarna means literally? I hope you’ve had a wonderful start to the New Year - bright blessings to you and yours 💜

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